Monday, January 4, 2010

21.12.2012. End of time. End of the world.

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21.12.2012. End of time. End of the world. The end of Mayan Long Count. The apocalypse. The end of Kali Yuga. The winter solstice 2012 is not just any solstice but the solstice of all solstices. It is the Great Solstice - a solstice of the precessional or Platonic year. It is the fountain of all solstices and all equinoxes from which the life flows and cascades from a season to season. It is the source from which the time to which we owe our existence gushes out. And it is also a payback time when such existence must be justified. Did the gift of life, which was bestowed the last time around, fulfill its purpose? What does the end date of Mayan Long count indicate? What will happen on 21.12.2012? Will it be what Tom, Harry or Sally thought and put forward in their theories or will it be what it must be? What does this date truly indicate? Is it negotiable? It indicates the end of the present order and it is NOT negotiable. 21.12.2012 is an appointment with destiny. It is an apocalypse and ascension. It is the end of the world, as we know it - nothing more and nothing less. It is a complete and comprehensive destruction of the age of Kali as a dominant force shaping all aspects of life, which is preceding the dawn of a new Golden age. Did not you know that every transformation and establishment of a new order is unfolded through the destruction of the old order? Did not you know that every action must have an equal and opposite reaction? Did not you know that everything that exists must be born and it must die? Did not you know that new life is created through death and death through life? Did you think that you would never die? Did you really think that time is infinite? Well, it doesn't really matter what anyone thought because truth is not affected by such idle theories at least. To think is not to know. The winter sun 2012 ushers into 72 days of upheavals in which the chaos following a destruction of the old order will reign before the new order is firmly set in place.

Is it going to be destruction similar to the one in Noah's time 5200 years ago or as the one in which Atlantis and many other parts of the world were obliterated 10400 years ago? No, because such destructions were only partial, allowing the seeds of the past to infiltrate the new age (see biblical book of Daniel). 21.12.2012 will be a complete; hence destruction on a much larger scale, because it is not only the birth of one out of five ages of the same precessional cycle but also the birth of a brand new precessional age. It is the birth of a larger creative cycle than the past four events and will trigger a correspondingly larger degree of destruction since the larger birth is also a more painful birth. The winter solstice 2012 will not be just a change of civilizations as in the past. It is a more essential change. It is the change of the race of man similar to the one 26000 years ago in which the Neanderthal race could not justify its existence. It stipulates the demise of the present race supporting its life through the brutalities of Kali and ushering into existence a future race thriving on justice of the Golden age (Ma'at). Is it the time of ascension? It is certain ascension only for the earth. The certain planetary ascension creates only a possibility for ascension of man and all the life in the earth's environment. It depends on the level of adaptation to such new environment whether man will follow the suit.

The eventual ascension depends on the degree of harmony between man and his environment. It depends on the amount of concord existing between the spirit of man and the spirit of his creator. It depends whether his heart and his mind converge or diverge. It depends whether man's life has a purpose or not. The ascension of man is conditional upon his willingness to accept the truth and the immutability of the upcoming change. The ascension of Earth is impersonal but ascension of man is a personal responsibility. A bend in the road will be the end of the road for the present race unless it is willing to make a righteous turn. Will one make a turn if one cannot even see the bend? How can one see what lays ahead if one is only willing to look back? Is there a future in the past? Remember that although all are invited, only few are chosen, because only few are willing to accept the invitation. Only few have the time and will to see the grand scheme of life. Only few are willing to sacrifice the personal illusion of the world and embrace the world's impersonal truth. Only few are willing to exchange their unjust beliefs for the just truth. One's life is one's personal responsibility. The ascension of life is a personal responsibility to act in time. It is not an ascent but a descent, which is a choice by default to act consciously. Kali must harvest what Kali planted in an age of Kali. Any different outcome requires a personal effort.

Life is a personal responsibility because the creator creates through his creations. It is a personal choice to open the eyes or to keep them shut. It is a personal choice to accept or to reject the gift of life. Who is the one who chooses one's own destiny if not you? One will drown under the weight of unjust personal beliefs unless one is unburdened by the personal acceptance of an impersonal and just truth. One can float in the river of life only if his burden is not heavier than the feather of Maat. One can either repent or persist in his beliefs and the injustice he dishes on the world around him. Survival is a matter of adaptation. How can one adapt to what one is not even conscious of? The adaptation to personal beliefs is not an adaptation but a dead end road. The sustainability of life corresponds to its adaptation to the impersonal truth. Life must be just to be justified by its environment and the justice must be impersonal to be equal for all. Can a father be just if he favors only one of his many sons? The belief is always only a half-truth, which is creating intolerance and injustice. The half-truth is a deceit. The half-truth is worst than a lie, because it lies about the truth as much as it lies about the lie. Only the truth is just and wholesome. A world built on the beliefs is an ignorant world of Kali who rules through the deceits of half-truths. You can choose to embrace the new and just age by acting now or you can choose by default of acting now to follow its demise with the winter sun of 2012. Creation of life is a conscious effort that requires a coherent action. Only the decay and death happen by default.

It is not a question of what will happen on the winter solstice 2012 but what will you do about it. One is a certainty over which you have no control but the other is a freedom of choice. Will you be physically and spiritually ready or will the unfolding events catch you like a proverbial thief in the night? It is a free world. No one can or will be coerced. It is a personal liability to accept the impersonal truth. It is a personal choice whether unfolding events will predetermine one's own destiny or whether one will determine it by manipulating the events. It depends on the degree of one's awareness and that depends on his willingness to adapt. Alternatively, it depends on one's willingness to abandon personal beliefs and embrace the impersonal truth. It depends on the resistance the spirit offers to the changing environment. It depends on the weight of the heart. One must overcome the personal inertia or be overcomed by it. One either lives or dies. 21.12.2012 is the Judgment Day because only the life that is just and balanced with its environment will overcome it. Only the spirit that is in tune with the Higher Will will be justified. The twisted personal notions of justice do not determine the meaning of justice. On the contrary! That which is balanced and coherent is just. It is impersonal. It has absolutely nothing in common with anything that we might think or feel to be just (or not). The just is what is adaptable to environment and in tune with the Higher Will. The just is what is in tune with its purpose. The purposeless and selfish existence is unjust. See the world around you and all your questions about its usefulness and the kind of justice it serves should be answered.

If you want to heal the world, give it justice. Not an illusion of justice according to the subjective personal beliefs what constitutes love and fear but the real impersonal justice! World doesn't need the impotent projection of the passive love but a potent doses of the active love. It doesn't need an immaterial and inconsequential love but a tangible material love. The world needs the active creation and not the passive destruction to be healed. The fear of dispensing the real love in a disguise of projecting some imaginary love is nothing but a total absence of love that will only accelerate the decay and death of this world. The world needs the just and impersonal love - not an unjust and selfish love, which is not the love at all and it has no creative potential but serves the same destructive purpose as the fear. Love that is incapable of stirring tangible action is an abdication of love in the face of fear and has no creative purpose because it doesn't urge an adaptation to the truth; hence it doesn't stimulate an increase in awareness or the proliferation of life. An unjust personal love is selective, selfish and intolerant and it is anything but love in its inactivity. The love appears as fear and the fear as love in a world dominated by the sheer brutality of an age of Kali, which is promulgating inactivity, decay and chaos.

Would it be the justice to retain something that is unjust by its nature? Is it of any use to keep something that is useless? One cannot be of use to oneself but only to that that is outside of oneself. The purpose of a rudder is to steer the boat - it has no value if detached and on its own. What is the use of an unjust and selfish world, because it has no creative power? What is the use of a purposeless existence? Does it have the power to sustain itself when faced with its purpose? Can one's existence be justified when faced with one's creator on the day of the Lord? Can one offer a purpose in exchange for a given life? Can one repent the injustice fostered by the partiality of beliefs and accept the justice of truth? Can one adapt and justify his continued existence? Or is one's heart too inflexible and too heavy with the injustice? Apocalyptic 42-day passage of earth though a black hole of time that will start with winter sun of 2012 requires the clarity and justice of all life on earth. Why? Because only the justice is coherent; hence only the justice has a creative power of life. The injustice is incoherent randomness that is devoid of any power because all its selfish and isolated parts act against each other. The justice is not optional. It is the very essence of life. Life feeds on it.

The following is my testimony to the world, given to you as it was given to me and presented to the best of my ability. You can accept or reject it, use it or ignore it wholly or partially, remembering that every action or lack of it is commensurate with an appropriate reaction. Keep in mind that consequence of an action (or lack of it) outweighs the action alone. The truth is not negotiable but its perception is; hence one's awareness should always be a step ahead of the perception alone. Be ready to face the truth when its perception dissolves on the winter solstice 2012. You've been told in no uncertain terms by the ancient people of Sumer, Egypt, Vedantic India, by the traditions of Native Americans, by Maya, through the Biblical and Taoist traditions, yet you still choose to negotiate what is non-negotiable. You still prefer to veil an impersonal and just truth with the personal and unjust beliefs. You've chosen to veil the justice in many layers of injustice by believing that injustice is the justice and that justice is the injustice. You've coated the truth with many layers of deceit thinking that a deceit is the truth and that a truth is the deceit. Your religions and your science will reveal to you the same truth of an impersonal justice if you will but see it in an honest and just interpretation and free of the subjective and misleading beliefs. The world out there in all its multihued manifestations is staring you in the face, yet you are too afraid to stare back at it, preferring a selfish and impotent isolation instead of a mutual interaction and creation. The world offers you life, yet you are paralyzed with the terror thinking that life is death and that death is life.

It is one of the final testaments given to the world that the truth is not what one believes or theorizes. It is exactly what it is. It needs no interpretation. It has a very precise meaning and an exact purpose and so do any of its forms and manifestations. The truth is in the absence of all beliefs and disbeliefs. It is impersonal and just. This is one of the final rebukes before a final trumpet call on the winter solstice 2012 when the Maya Long count ends - and so does this world of Kali built on the illusions and injustice. Remember, it is an impersonal message - it doesn't matter whether you accept or reject it. It does not matter whether you see it as the fear mongering or as the love and concern for preservation of the fellow man. All that matters is the effect. All that matters is the action. If the love will lull you into inaction but the fear will stir you into action, let it be the fear, but if the fear will paralyze you into inaction; let it be the love, since love and fear are two personal faces of an impersonal truth. The heaven knows better than what we believe to be the love or the fear. The heaven knows that the true love is a just love and that an unjust love has the same purpose as an unjust fear. The rest of the text on this page is a preparation for what is to follow and unless one mastered it in its impersonal form, there would be little benefit of proceeding to the other pages. The truth is quantized in hierarchical sequences - it evolves step by step and one can proceed to the next step only if he is firmly footed on the previous step. Confusion will replace the understanding unless this advice is followed. One will stumble trying to manage several steps at once. It will become an obstacle for the next step thus defeating its purpose unless the step before is mastered.

Every step can confuse as much as it can enlighten because the justice is impersonal. The impersonal justice can be accepted in two conflicting personal forms - both of them serving the same ultimate purpose of building a stepped pyramid to the heaven with an apex on 21.12.2012. The pyramid is smooth only on the surface or from afar. The smooth texture of an outer macrocosm is built on the foundation of many inner hierarchical microcosmic sequences and vice versa. The uninterrupted smoothness on one side and the hierarchy of separated sequences on another side are also two personal faces of one impersonal truth. The purpose of a dualistic perception is its underlying wholeness but also vice versa, just as the purpose of an impersonal justice is a personal injustice but also vice versa. One option follows another in the serial or parallel sequential order creating a perpetual embrace of spiraling yin/yang. The wisdom and understanding are the shadows of ignorance and confusion and vice versa because the perception is dual and one exist only in contrast of its opposite. One is purpose of another and they co-exist as two intertwined partial beliefs of only one truth. One learns only through its opposite, because it is its purpose. One succeeds through the failures and fails through the successes. One prevails by surrendering and surrenders by prevailing. One lives only if supported by death and dies only if supported by life. One cannot exist separately from its opposite. One cannot exist without a purpose; hence one cannot exist separately from an environment, which is supporting him. One cannot exist in a selfish isolation from the world and the higher consciousness, which is projecting it because one is the purpose and the future of the world and its higher consciousness but only if the world and attainment of the higher consciousness is also one's purpose and one's future. The justice must be served because it's the stuff the building blocks of life are made of. Only the decay and death will prevail in the absence of justice - the decay and death on which the life feeds because life coheres what is incoherent, unifies what is separated, orders what is random and justifies what is unjust.

One can write just a short sentence or an entire book, depending on how much one thirsts for the wisdom and understanding. It doesn't really matter how extensively the subject is dealt with as long as the thirst is quenched. Many have heard about the Mayan end date on the winter solstice 2012 but few know what it means indeed. Many conflicting theories have sprung, one author competing with another in a final race before it is all over. Many eloquent words were spoken, yet mystery remains as deep as ever. Many have sensed the truth beyond the genius of Maya but many more prefer to impose their personal views, uncomfortable with the facts staring them in the face. Many see a correlation between the knowledge of Maya and remains of the similar knowledge scattered all over the world. Others do not want to see it covering the fear of truth with the wishful thinking. What is a belief but an unsubdued fear? The truth dwells in every heart yet many prefer to reject it because in their fear the life appears as death and the death as life. In all honesty everyone should know the truth but many prefer deceitful beliefs to an honest truth in a dishonest world. It is the fear of truth, which is hiding behind the appearance of a justified belief. A world without the beliefs, suppositions and theories is an honest world that is free of fear. A world in which personal beliefs overshadow an honest truth is a brutal, loveless and unjust world of Kali. How can anyone dare to interpret the Mayan end date if they haven't got a clue what kind of knowledge they had? How can one interpret something that one has no understanding of? How can one figure out their calendars or the correlation between the astronomical cycles and the creative cycles of earth they imply, without knowing what they knew? If you do not understand the process than at least accept its honest results. Isn't the purpose to deceive one's heart when an end is interpreted as not really an end? Isn't the purpose to justify personal fears when the theories are put forward, in which the finality of the present order on 21.12.2012 is not really final? Is the suppression of truth beyond a layer of deceit not the purpose when a non-negotiable certainty is made to appear as a mere possibility?

The Mayan understanding of astronomical cycles and their correlation with the creative cycles of earth is beyond the grasp of modern science. How can one justly interpret such superior knowledge with such vastly inferior tools of modern science? Shouldn't one backtrack his misguided efforts and try to justify the modern age from a Mayan perspective rather than vice versa. How can the present savagery and spiritual barbarism do justice to the past refinement of thought? Is a cave man in a position to justify the refinements of French cuisine or the intricacies of game of chess? Why should it be presumed that a later age is somehow more advanced then the one before when the history clearly shows that an evolution is a two-way street and that reversals are just as often as are advances? Doesn't the law of relativity, which we should have digested by now, equalize both possibilities? Doesn't such an arrogant attitude disguises an underlying ignorance and projects the fear as a valid belief? Is it an honest interpretation serving justice to the wisdom of Maya or to the present age? An end that's not an end is a complete distortion of truth - it's a belief driven to a point of insanity. It is the suicidal use of a sword intended for the defensive purpose. Such insane interpretations do not clarify but obscure. They serve no justice. Mayan knowledge of cycles goes back to the times before man walked the earth or even before the present universe came into existence; hence they are not just the astronomical cycles of the present universe but also the cycles of time transcending its present incarnation and its presently visible size. The understanding Maya had goes beyond the horizons and boundaries imposed by the modern understanding, because they knew that all boundaries are relative and that a larger and more comprehensive reality lurks just beyond the horizons.

Relativity as formulated by A. Einstein and the subsequent quantum laws are only a rediscovery of the long lost wisdom known by the Maya and all over the ancient world. The Maya were just the last one to remember them. Those who understand that the fractality principle is the foundation of the Mayan time cycles will also know that the Sumerian division of a day into 24 hrs and an hour into 60 min, the Egyptian Sothic cycles or the Vedic Yugas are formulated on the same principles. They predict the same outcome, as does the Mayan Long count - the end on the winter solstice 2012. It is not this or that or maybe. The end means the end. They could not know such vast cycles of time that are transcending all the physical boundaries of the present universe just by the observations. How can one observe something that is beyond the means of physical observations? Physical observation was obviously only a secondary tool in the gathering of information. The primary tool was an abstract understanding that they gained through the spiritual maturity. Their knowledge of the cycles reveals an understanding not only of particular isolated astronomical cycles but also of the essential fractal pattern explaining how the different cycles recursively nest one within the other. They understood not only the cycles but also the cycle of all cycles. They understood with an utmost precision the underlying infinite polynomial structure reflected in every finite and particular cycle, form or manifestation. They knew the fractal causality of all cycles, which is the causal thread connecting all cycles as one. They knew the abstract pattern beyond all particular cycles.

They knew what everyone knew in the past lost long ago - that time of the world below reflects as space in the world above and vice versa. They understood space/time relativity. They knew that astronomical cycles are intrinsically connected with the cycles of creation on Earth because everything is connected with everything else into a coherent whole through an unbroken causal thread. It was no secret that everything reflects everything else, which is the truth revealed only recently by the contemporary physical theories such as the holographic principle, quantum tunneling, Everett's many worlds interpretation and the other principles of quantum physics. The ancient world understood that analogy and similarity reveals the larger truth. It is a common sense that the size of a cycle is proportional with its duration. The larger cycle must have a larger period of an uninterrupted evolution but it must also begin and end with a proportionally larger moment of creation and destruction. The cycles must end because all that has a beginning must also have an end. Everything has a beginning and an end because an infinite reality manifests only in the finite (quantized) forms. It is a dual world in which the finiteness of a form on one level is supported by its infinity on the next level. They can only co-exist in a symbiosis with each other. Everything must have the boundaries in space and in time, where boundaries of time (duration) are inversely proportional with the spatial boundaries (size). Where is the justice when ignorance in the age of Kali judges the lost wisdom of time? It is an abomination of justice. An honest truth is covered with many layers of deceit in the age of Kali ruled by the fearful materialistic and selfish beliefs. Just as the gold is found under many layers of dirt, even the truth will be found safely stored under many layers of deceit.

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